Twitching Again

Time for a new layout yet?


  1. Miss your theme switcher? :P

    I’d love to see a dark layout. :D

  2. Maybe. I like this one, though.

  3. Yeah… *cowers*

  4. Been thinking the same myself – about my site, not yours. :p About eight designs have been scrapped to date …

    V xx

  5. I like this one quite a lot but a new one is always nice to look at!!

  6. Pff, I never see your layout anyway because I read from NewsFire. So if you, um, wanted to start working with the NewsFire folks and come up with a new design for their app, that’d be cool. :D

  7. But your current layout is fine! :P

  8. I’m, what, ten, eleven days late for this? Like I give a crap.


    Doooo ittttttt.

  9. It’s like your drug of choice, isn’t it? ;3