So that’s what fingernails are for…

I nearly chopped off one of my fingers while cutting onion tonight. :X


  1. other uses include:

    1. painting pretty colours
    2. bogey extraction
    3. scratching

  2. I have a pretty brutal scar and a loss of feeling in the tip of my left index finger from attempting to chop my finger off while cutting onions. My fingernails didn’t even factor into the equation. You got lucky! :P

  3. 4. Biting while nervous/bored

    Please be careful in the future. I’ve almost had that happen to me and it scared me for a while.

  4. *envisions hand with long fingernails, one of them chopped off bluntly*
    Well, that is one circumstance they can come in handy!

  5. who needs biology when you can learn the functions of bodily systems in every day near-disasters? :D

  6. I did the same thing once (except it was cutting an apple and it was using a butter knife) – it still managed to chop off the good part of my nail off though.

  7. Or maybe we’re just not meant to cut onions! :O

  8. I did this once too. Was pretty dumb considering I was using my husbands brand new chefs knife. Damn thing is able to cut through bone so I was pretty lucky. Now I just use the vegetable or paring knives :P

  9. Nope, they are for stapling and punching holes through, don’t try it, bloody painful!

  10. We were almost telling the tale of nine-fingered Jem and the peculiar-shaped onion in the food…
    </botched LOTR reference>

    Seriously, you got lucky.

    I’ve stapled through the pad of my thumb before. That’ll ruin your day.

  11. I too stapled my finger not long back, with an electric nail gun (Ouchie) so you have my sympathy Jem. To add to the comment “So that’s what nails are for…” I think the answer has to be “To poke your eyes out with if you dare to make fun of my poor cut finger” hehe

  12. Eeesh, gives you that sickly feeling when you know you’ve almost cut something off, eh?! At least you’re okay, though.

    We recently bought an Onion Chopper which is a rather strange machine, but does the job okay. Alternatively just use a food processor (this requires less effort).

  13. That’s creepy! O_O;;;

  14. Hehe.. lol, I was actually expecting not such a short entry.. it amused me. :)

    I cut two of my fingers a couple of weeks back.. damn, it hurt! And wouldn’t stop bleeding!! T_T

    Fingernails are indeed quite handy~

  15. Yikes. Being domesticated is totally dangerous work.

  16. I knew they had some purpose…
    If only I had discovered it before biting all mine to stumps!