Piss Off Spammers

I’ve disabled DoFollow. >:O The amount of incoming spammy-URL comments was greater than the amount of genuine ones. I’ll find another way to reward regular commenters.


  1. cookies are always appreciated! The chocolate chip kind not the clog up your temp files kind :P!

  2. Yeah pee off, Spammers and Splogger scum! *Shakes fist*

  3. That’s a shame that you’ve had to turn it off Jem. I agree with Han though, chocolate chip cookies are better than Page Rank any day!

  4. I wonder if there’s a way to implement this into your scoring system for spam. Like, people who have a low spam rating, any links they post automatically have dofollow attached. If their spam rating is higher, then they don’t. I suppose the downside is that new posters won’t get their links followed, but they would shortly, right?

    I’m sure there’s a way to do it, but I gave up cpsc for a good reason — ’cause I don’t like to think that hard ;)

  5. If you want to reward regular commenters, there is a WordPress plugin that will list the top 10 commenters: http://freepressblog.org/wordpress-plugins-2/wordpress-top-commenters-plugin-widget/

  6. @Renate – Having that plugin would probably increase the amount of useless comments.

  7. You’re going to have to bake so many cookies now that you won’t even have time to post anymore ;)

  8. @Jordan – I obviously have to think before I type. ;) You’re absolutely right, of course.

  9. Rewards, eh? Sexual favors? Do tell, do tell.

    Or rather, plz to make a celebrity blend I kin steel. Reward enuf 4 me!

  10. Why not add a page that lists all of your commenters (but the links in the actual comment doesn’t have a DoFollow)? Or.. add a recent commenters or most active commenters…

  11. Not sure which dofollow plugin you were using. I use the one from gregboser.com which allows you to control what gets the nofollow removed and selectively add ‘nofollow’ to borderline comments if you’re not sure about them.

    As for the top commentators plugin, it’s a good idea but don’t grab the standard ones out there, I had to fix my own one (available off my site) as it had a flaw in it, and a lot of the widgets are based on the same code. List is generated via the author’s name so spammers use the same name and bingo, their link is in the top commentators list.

  12. I wont be comentin nymore on ur sitey if you no be givin me google. ktxhbai.

  13. Jem

    31 May at 1:11 pm

    @Sarah: I can’t remember now that I’ve removed the link but I’m pretty sure there was a minimum comment limit before the nofollow was removed. Didn’t stop them leaving spammy comments, unfortunately.

  14. […] know how I mentioned that I was being spammed by link-droppers on dofollow posts? Well, this was despite running Akismet. It turns out, that on top of *not* picking up the blatant […]

  15. Cookies are nice, of course. Who doesn’t like a good cookie? :D If you can’t bake cookies, you can… oh, well, there isn’t much that matches up to a good cookie.

    @Jordan: Yeah, I agree, there would be a lot of useless comments, just to be in the top ten. 0_o