Only I’m Allowed To Direct-Link, Foo’

When you’re ordering people to follow these badly written rules:

1. Don’t direct link. Seriously, don’t waiste my bandwidth, or yeah. If something has been direct linked, I will delete it without warning and change its location, that way you’ll lose the image.
2. Don’t steal, trade, etc. Don’t claim these as your own. Not joking!
3. Don’t edit. Pieriod.
4. Don’t redistribute. These things are to be on and ONLY!!
5. Don’t edit codes if I have supplied you with them. I can just find out by viewing the source, it’s not hard. ;)

(emphasis my own)

…the least you can bloody do is not direct-link my stuff. Hell, I distribute this shit under the GPL so you guys can do what you like with it and yet there’s still always one that has to take advantage.

PS. Your tutorials suck.


  1. Those were tutorials? :o

  2. Oh yeah, I saw that. Basically what she was doing on Snark was talking about advertising space on her MySpace and site. And charging for it.

    Ugh, she spelled “waste” wrong!

  3. I just skimmed the page, but maybe I missed it. Where/what did she direct link?

  4. I can’t believe she has the audacity to sell graphics and advertising space. Her site makes me want to cry.

  5. She taught me how to bold stuff! Watch! bold Wow! …. Too bad it’s invalid. :(

  6. “Do you like all those little boxes I put the codes into? They are called textareas, and, let me tell you, they are a marical for any web designer.”

    Excuse me? A… marical? What? Whatever it is, she makes it sound as if textareas=God. :\

  7. wtf, animated flashy backgrounds for link hovers? my poor eyes!

  8. Hypocrites are fun(ny).

    Arwen, she direct linked Jem’s Mail Form Script from that page. It’s near the bottom. ;)

  9. LOL… I guess we all know what happens next… “site closed!”

  10. @Aisling Now Jem’s coding is invalid. :o

  11. Her whole site sucks pretty bad, actually -_-

  12. I think she’s taken it down already. :P

  13. Yeah, the heifer took it down. She needs to take the whole site down. -_-

  14. Wow… I caught it before she took it down. How sad :|

    @Louise – Pretty much! :)

  15. For some reason this makes me want to go “lolololololol.” I love her command of the English language.

  16. LOL. I noticed that earlier when she plugged her site on Snark. :P

  17. Hannah, she didn’t plug she like spammed, then she wanted money to advertise? Yeah right.

  18. She fulfilled her “oblication” , “cencoring” herself where needed, and keeping her appropriate site. PIERIOD!

    Now please excuse me while I laugh myself silly.

  19. I get the vague impression that she’s typing in English. Hard to tell though, what with words like “nieve” and “consiter”.

  20. Do you know how long it took me to figure out what “nieve” actually was?

  21. I was a bit surprised to read that she skipped a grade in school. But… maybe she isn’t from an English-speaking country? That’s still not an excuse to be a hypocrite, though.

  22. @Stephanie: Took me a long time to figure it out as well. :P My first thought was “oh, snow” (nieve = snow in Spanish, pronounced “nee-eh-veh”).

  23. Hahaha…copyright 2008-forever!
    Well, it says somewhere that she’s 13 and that she’s from Ontario, her heritage er Persian and Europian (!!)…so, yeah, maybe Canadians do speak another type of English. Aisling??????? :p :P

  24. Sorry, typo there…I should’ve written “are” instead of “er”…I forgot I wasn’t writing Norwegian for once.

  25. Wow. That site might have worse tutorials than on a Piczo site, if that’s possible :P

  26. @ Regine.

    You was wrong both times, “er” ummm, no. “are” also no.
    You mean “is” =D

  27. And she has PR2?! :o

  28. I’m never going there again, it is like website abuse on a single page.

  29. How dare you, Jem! You obviously have no clue what direct linking means! It’s scarry and your soo lukky I cencored foul language! I just hope the poor girl doesn’t get any bad publicity from this — it always happens to the “good ones,” you know.

    Sorry, I felt like being a touch silly… ;) Oh, and it took me forever to figure out tmg = “try me graphics.”

  30. “Hit it back home”.


  31. LOL @ spelling and grammar.

    The site is also hideous.

    Hey Regine! Dun make fun of Canadians eh?!

  32. The text above the tagboard says “Tagbored”. xD

  33. Aww… I missed seeing it before she took it down… oh well.

  34. Oh, dang. I’m always late for the fun! I agree with everyone, though. Forget her codes – god, her grammar and spelling alone are horrible :/.

  35. Ya’ll are mean, I thought you people where better then this. You could of emailed her about it. How can you people be so rude like this? shes a little girl and yet shes pretty mature more then you all are. Her graphics are good. So there not perfect. And then yet you tell her about how her tutorials suck, dont you think thats a little going to far with this. im going to report you all to report bullyness. there was a mature way to do this. You didnt have to tgo shove it on everyone else. Gesh leave the poor girl alone. better yet go to church, no one is perfect but common since would of told you to email her. I dont know but if you think you are better then her i dont think so. if her spelling is horriable, then why are you there. I belive anyone has a chance in becoming a webdesigner and you cant change that. Now if you got a problem then email me. ugh ya’ll people make me sick. im so grossed out to even look at this page.

  36. Jem

    12 Aug at 8:16 pm


  37. She’s using her age as an excuse now…I swear most 13 year olds can spell better than that though 0.0

  38. hahahahahaha

  39. HAHA, she said “ya’ll”!

  40. I do slightly agree with Karmen, it’s a little mean that the majority of people on this website are laughing at her website, people are always constantly trying to find the bad things about websites. I don’t want to pull out the ‘age card’, but yeah she’s 13, she has a lot to learn but people laughing at her bad spelling and saying her layout is horrible would probably put her confidence in webdesigning down. I have seen better 13 year old webdesigners out there but not every is that talented at that age, atleast the girl has grasped the main things. Her attitiude does sound a bit bad but I’m sure she will understand what ‘not to do in the webdesigning world’ someday.

    @ Chelsea: what’s so funny with saying ‘ya’ll’?

  41. Wow. Look at you guys, with your idiotic comments and enormous ego’s. Congratulations on reaching a new low.

  42. @Karmen: Oh boo whoo. This is the Internet, not a pat-on-the-back committee. Speaking of church, no thanks. I will not be going to church anytime soon. You have not “saved” me. I think I rather be saved from piss poor “web developers”, such as yourself.

    Yes I am being harsh, but as a professional web designer I feel rather offended that your little friend is trying to charge people for such half-arsed services. If she were a plumber, she’d be a “cowboy”. Like it is within your right to whine about how mean we are, it is within our right to critisise a website. If you don’t like it, ignore it. Simple.

    @Jabed: Okay, she’s young and starting out and the like, but does that give her a right to be exempt from critisism? No. Critisism is a good thing and hopefully she will take good advice on board and improve. Should she be charging people for graphics and advertising space? No, I don’t think she should.

  43. How old exactly are the lot of you?

    The girl is thirteen, and new to webdesign, so stop criticizing her website the way you are. Sure, perhaps some things coule be improved on – but I’ve yet to find a website that’s absolutely perfect in every way.

    Critism is a nice thing when you ask for it – “Hey, I made a new graphic, what do you think? I’d love some good c/c.” – but I don’t see her asking for criticism.

    I’m never one to use age as an excuse usually, but come ON people. She’s thirteen. She’s at the years where everything that happens will decide who she is as an adult. Making fun of her like this isn’t going to help her confidence or chances of becoming a great person very much.

    Jem, here’s a tip: next time someone does something you don’t approve of, try contacting them about it before posting all about it on your website. Mistakes are made. Give people a chance to correct them before you immaturely insult them to everybody.

  44. Constructive Critisism is very different from deliberate humilation! You could have handled this in a more mature and respective way.
    Do you really feel accomplished that you’ve told some 13 year old girl that her tutorials suck?

    Grow up.

    As for the rest of you; making fun of her grammer wouldn’t be so “cool” if she was dyslexic would it?

  45. im from texs thats how we talk out here. ya’ll i’ll say how ever i want to say it. anyways laugh all you wont i dont care. I wasnt bringing no age card. I was just saying theres nuttin wrong. im just saying that you need to keep ur commits to yourself. i could careless what you thought of me. so make fun of me all you want.. its good to know someone likes us that much. you make tryme your certin of your attention.

  46. hehe i even laugh at the mistakes i make. i know i have alot of spelling errors so i know you all are going to say something, ah its ok i dont care i have a life…

  47. Well,
    I missed seeing the actual… contact form was it?
    She denies direct linking, claiming it was just a credit link.
    But, I do suppose Jem knows what direct linking is.

    People who steal, direct link, lie, etc… on the Internet should be exposed.
    One can blog about what she/her ate for dinner…
    But, bandwidth theft is off limits?

    If you politely email someone who has wronged you.
    Get help. Passive aggressiveness is not healthy.

    [quote: Louise]
    LOL… I guess we all know what happens next… “site closed!”

    Your prediction was right!

  48. “…but note that anyone caught stealing will be reported to j4s, and I may consiter legal action on copyright infringment on you.”

    She’s so lucky she got to take photos of the Olson twins! Or that great picture of the forest!

  49. “im going to report you all to report bullyness”
    *cue hysterical laughing*

    Incidentally: do Texan people generally leave out the “a” in Texas… or is this a special treat just for us?

  50. i am sorry i know that was mean but i just had to post that ….. for the lolz
    but yeah she is learning we all where there but its funny the same ones that are sticking up for her are the same ones ragging on me. lolz

    why Don’t you try to be a saint some where else. that’s utter bullshit. Karmen

  51. “She’s using her age as an excuse now…I swear most 13 year olds can spell better than that though 0.0”

    I could spell better at 13 than I can now!

    Why do I always miss the fun??? :'(

  52. Jem

    13 Aug at 8:04 am

    Oh noes, it’s that time of year again…

    tiny violin

  53. I just realised I spelt criticise wrong. Oops! My bad!

    @Karmen: So, because most of us can construct a sentence we have no life?


  54. I really laugh whenever I read both this and the thread in KV. I better leave my comments in my head instead of speaking it out or else I’d get bombed by them D:

    @Sarah, we have no life because we speak good English ;) People like us actually bother to pay attention in school! :D

  55. I’m 14 and I can make a sentence and a half decent website… o_o

  56. From her site: “I’m sure it sounds kind of silly seeing as it’s something so seemingly megre, but all these blog posts, all those supporting me on kville, just making graphics; it all seems so hopeless now. I haven’t cut in months, but last night .. I don’t know.”

    Uh wow. She really took your blog post and the forum thing to heart. Honestly, if something as little as this can make her want to “cut” herself then I really think she should seek medical attention.

  57. Jem

    13 Aug at 12:58 pm

    As I said on KV, she’s playing the victim. I don’t know why she’s bothering, because I don’t give a shit.

  58. Vasili, not everyone is the same some aren’t talented like you, but at least they give it a go. She might of started web designing after you, and who knows she could be out of your league the next or so years. With the sentence thing of course she can type a decent sentence, if she couldn’t then she wouldn’t be online, would she? ;)

  59. I’m annoyed by the people defending this girl.

    Who cares about her age? There are people younger than her on the internet with somewhat decent and legible websites. Also, if you’re using the inexperienced excuse, how dare she even take money in exchange for her crap designs? She’s a crook. So, not only does she steal bandwidth but she robs people of their money too.

    Not to mention the fact she denies doing something she clearly did, as I saw the page before she removed the content. She direct linked to a file on Jem’s server and that means she was stealing bandwidth. Let’s add liar to the list of descriptors about this person.

    Then she has the “OMGZ don’t steal!” on her rules page when she herself has clearly stolen images for her masterpieces. Now adding hypocrite to this list.

    I don’t know about you, but when I was her age I knew better than do to those things. She gets zero sympathy from me and deserves all the flack she is getting.

  60. Also, why does she have a translator on her site? It’s not like it will work since she can’t even spell in English. I’m surprised the translator doesn’t say “what?” when you click on it.

  61. I think she should have had a look through at other people’s sites first so she could see the quality of their content, tutorials etc. and learn from them.
    I do think that charging people for graphics using stolen photographs is unacceptable, as she doesn’t seem to have had that much experience in making graphics, as well as infringing the copyright laws.
    As for the grammar, there’s always spellcheck?

  62. OMG, how the fuck isn’t age an issue here.Most of you are what young adults or older.Ganging up on a 13 year old is immature in itself.And some of you who say yeah I’m a professional at web-design,others may not think that.And theres one particular bitch I read, say it.And honestly I think your site looks like shit,so there.Everyone has to start somewhere.Gang up on me I really don’t give a flying fuck.I’ve never seen some adults act like total fucking morons over a child.Yeah I will admit,she shouldn’t of direct-linked,but theres a better way to go about it than this.LOL I can’t stand the bitch that said she was a professional web-designer,PFFFT FUCK YOU WHORE!!!

  63. @Nicole: Now who’s acting like a child and moron? You, of course! I’m a whore? Tsk, tsk. Surely you can come up with a better insult than that? ;)

  64. Jem

    14 Aug at 9:25 am

    Nice website Nicole, LOL.

  65. Was it only me that thought Karmen was a pisstake?

    I wasn’t sure but when you say things like “her spelling is horriable” it has to be a parody, no?

  66. BTW if it’s not, I blame bebo.

    Although at least with bebo all the shite on the web ends up concentrated on one (conveniently avoidable) site!

  67. AND

    if the brat can’t spell

    Problem solved. No excuses.

  68. Oh, wow! Nicole’s site looks like mine did in 2002! Like, dead-on! Of course, *everyone’s* layout looked like that. I can’t recall anyone who didn’t use the X-Tina Stripped photos in a layout!! That was also around the time we started to dig the whole 3-column table layout! It’s like a walk down memory lane…

  69. Wow, I have no words about her site. Okay, I got one word: crap.

  70. @ Joe:

    Yeah, I saw I had written “er” so I wrote I should have written “are” instead, cause in Norwegian, “is” and “are” are both written “er”…

    Sorry Jem for so much OT.

  71. Wow, very mature and classy of you Nicole. If you can’t prove your point without calling someone a whore then you have already lost your argument. Congrats!

  72. Ahahahaahahah!

    Oh, Nicole. :3 This whole thing… just made me laugh. I had to comment just so I could say this!

  73. “From her site: ‘I’m sure it sounds kind of silly seeing as it’s something so seemingly megre, but all these blog posts, all those supporting me on kville, just making graphics; it all seems so hopeless now. I haven’t cut in months, but last night .. I don’t know.'”

    It’s “meager!”

    And if I went off to say that I’m going to cut myself because of the shit I’ve been told online, my arms would be full of scars and keloids. You put your site out there, you got caught in something. Face it, and keep the shit moving.

  74. I thought my own layout was blinding…. >.<

  75. Just saying…I don’t think she should be “excused” for that nonsense just because she’s only 13. Most thirteen-year-olds (like myself) can spell, and most thirteen-year-olds are capable of making at least half a decent website, like Vasili said. I’m thirteen, and I’d know better than to direct-link without permission. Honestly — the age factor has nothing to do with the situation.

  76. 3. Don’t edit. Pieriod.

    Not even to correct the bad spelling?

  77. Heya. This girl just does not stop.

    ARGH! She’s hosting now. WTF? This shit pisses me off.