Dirty Slimy Buggers

You know you’re officially insane when you find yourself wandering around the garden in your slippers, clutching eggshells and a bag of cheap porridge oats, all the while screeching “I’ll get you, ya buggers”.


  1. Erm… okay. *Steps away slowly*

  2. Are you a witch? o_O


  3. O_o I can only imagine…

  4. Slippers, egg shells, and a bag of cheap porridge oats.

    Is this one of those Harry Potter things?


  5. I’m picturing the image in my head and I find it extremely amusing o_O

  6. Oooh, you got them snails going on?

    That’s the first thing coming to mind with the Dirty Slimy Buggers title.

    Unless there are other Dirty Slimy Buggers …..

  7. Jem

    29 Jul at 8:01 pm

    You’re on the right track, Chantal.

  8. slugs! ick. get the salt on them…

  9. :o Salt on a slug is evil. It melts their skin and they go all goopy… not that’d I know ;)

  10. Sorry this is off topic but I am Sean Sarah’s husband and I got here by using stumble life is weird sometimes

  11. I knew it was slugs as soon as I finished reading. Shouldn’t you be using salt? I thought salt made slugs expload. I mean unless you’re not out to kill them ;)

  12. Oh, I thought “buggers” was “burgers”! 0_o I pictured hamburgers before I re-read the title, thinking “What’s a dirty slimy burger?”

  13. Alrighty then…

  14. Jem, are you turning into a crazy cat lady?!?!

  15. Jem

    30 Jul at 7:57 am

    Shouldn’t you be using salt? I thought salt made slugs expload.

    Salt is best for getting rid of them, but you can only apply it directly to the slug. These little shits hide until I’ve gone to bed and then come out to devour my crops. :|

  16. We buy this wierd blue kinda pesticide thingy that lures the snails/slugs and once they eat them, BANG they are bye bye ^____^

  17. Apart from the obvious, salt would also contaminate the soil and kill off the plants ;) Hang in there Jem, between us we will overpower these demon slugs and get rid of them. :)

  18. Several relatives with gardens has made me guess what you were doing immediately. ;)

    My grandmother actually removes bugs from her potato plants manually. She drowns them (they’re not snails, though).

  19. You could try Inserting a pint glass flush into the ground (ideally within a very slightly wider flower pot or similar container, for easy removal) and fill it with cheap ale, leaving an inch or two of space at the top. You will find 72 drowned slugs in there before the week is out and then have the pleasure of emptying it.

    Or go out at dusk with a pair of scissors and a strong constitution.

  20. *imagines Jem walking around in slippers, clutching eggshells and a bag of cheap porridge oats*

    Sounds fun! 8D

  21. Lmao Jem.
    I’ve only been a visitor of your blog for a few days and if this is what you do on a day to day basis, then I’m really freaked out :).

  22. So now you’re not only old, but you’re insane?

    Oh Jem. I think you may have advanced dementia :(

  23. I thought of gnomes from Harry Potter :(
    I’m such a loser. Hahaha.
    Slugs are gross though, hope you get rid of them soon!