A Spot of DIY

I’ve been waiting in all day for a new chair to arrive. As I’ve now got a desk in the back bedroom to do my studies on, it was only right that I should have a chair to go with it. Anyway, come 4:35 I was getting annoyed and wrote in the q*bee IRC “I hate tesco right now.. they were supposed to deliver my chair today

Scarily, the second I hit enter there was a knock at the door… t’was a delivery man, with my chair! I’ve just finished putting it together (you know, it looked a lot easier than it actually was) and it is SO comfortable compared to the wooden chair I’ve been using. My butt is positively loving this! :D


  1. They were probably spying on you and when you hit enter they sent a message to the delivery man to knock on the door.

  2. uuh… creepy o.o
    The Qbee IRC must have a some kind of Magical Powers :D

  3. The tesco delivery man was waiting for you to express hate to knock on your door with the chair, I’m sure. He was parked across the street spying at you with binoculars and as soon as he saw your hate-face he came in. Mhm.

    Anyway, congrats on getting your new chair! I suppose anything is better than having to use a hard wooden chair when you have to sit for extended periods of time :D

  4. I’m sure the chair is loving your butt too ;)

  5. Lucky. My dad was captain of our local police for 40 + years, and I have the chair that was in his office that entire time. It’s a nice chair, but it’s solid wood and I’d kill to have a soft comfy office chair. I just can’t part with this one though :( I am jealous of your comfy ass!

  6. Pix or it didn’t happen.

  7. Wish I had a new chair, the one I’m sitting on now is just a wooden ‘leftover’ dining-table chair. It has some padding on it but I want one of the swively black leather chairs so I can swivle my around the house :P

  8. I don’t want to start anything, but really, what gets me is the language you use. You do have some good points, and I know my stuff sucks, but I try, and come ON, I’m about half as old as you are. ( I know that’s not an argument really, but I though I’d use every argument I have, no matter how lousy.)
    I am taking the post down. I’ve gotten too much drama.
    Also, do you spend your time LOOKING for people who don’t like what you’ve said. I have a hard time believing that you just “noticed” my site.
    I don’t have layouts in my “Portfolio” and I only called it that because putting “Stuff” didn’t seem correct, either.
    Sorry to waste your time, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t advertise the fact that my site sucks. I know it does and I’m not in sites for fame.

  9. Jem

    23 May at 6:36 pm


    a) wrong post.. please don’t leave unrelated comments, it annoys the crap out of me

    b) you’re right, using your age is a crap argument

    c) I didn’t have to look for you; when Vicki left a comment on my site I went to hers and you’d commented there.. I clicked through out of boredom, it was sheer coincidence that lo & behold, you’d blogged about me

    d) If you don’t like being told you suck, don’t try and start something you’re not big enough to handle?

    e) I’m not mad at you, I found your post hilarious. It brightened my day, even.

    I think that’s about it..

  10. Incidentally, if I were to ask you how to make me site better, would you tell me, or would you say that my site sucks?

  11. Jem

    23 May at 6:43 pm

    Sure, I’d give you some suggestions, but not in this post. I don’t want to clog it up with unrelated comments.

  12. Haha, what are the chances? It’s probably God (or whoever you want) testing you to see how long you can wait before ranting about it on the Net :P
    By the way, I just installed the BellaBuzz script and it’s fantastic! Thank you for being so talented at writing scripts :)

  13. Well, if you didn’t live way out in the boondocks then perhaps the poor Tesco delivery blokie could have found you sooner hehe. Go ahead, ‘meh’ me, see if I care lol. Glad you finally got your chair though…take pity on your poor old mother who spent the afternoon trogging around buying loads of E numbers and hulahoopbananajellysausagecake pie for youknowwhat tomorrow. :)

  14. I’m glad you at least got a chair. I ordered a chair last summer from Target for my dorm at college, and it never came. I kept checking my bank statements… the money was still gone from my account. Finally, in about december, my account was credited and evidently my chair had been returned.

    But I got my coffee pot though. Which was obviously the more important item ;)

  15. A comfortable bum is a happy one!

    Now secure in their total domination over the UK, perhaps Tesco have now set their sights on conquering the internet :O

  16. I want a new computer chair. Mine is faulty: can’t lean back in it properly. Pictures please!!! Of the chair, not the delivery guy.

    LOL: you know how people have an uncanny ability to always find out when you criticize them? I bet this is one of those things. Soon you’ll have Tesco leave butt hurt comments. Bwahahaha!

  17. Oooh is it a sexy executive chair on wheels, bound in leather, and ergonomical? :P

  18. XD That was a pretty funny.

  19. Hey again. I was going through all your old posts (boredom and I enjoy reading them!) when I came across ‘Chasing The Drama Llama’ with a link to http://popcrunch.com/perez-hilton-sued-by-the-paparazzi/.
    I couldn’t hep but notice that the background is a faded version of your ‘USB’ theme…
    Is there a logical explanation ?! I’m confused :P

  20. I’m still using this old rickety chair that i swear was made in the 70’s. It’s horrible but i just havent gotten around to saving up for a nice new chair. my bum is envious of your bum!
    ./bum envy! (lol ^^ )

  21. That chair looks so comfortable!

  22. My butt’s jealous of yours now.

  23. You should take a picture of your butt. Or chair. Or both!

  24. true, but I think he is the exception.
    Although, many adults are really good with the technology they use at work. I’m pretty sure the 50-somethings at NASA aren’t scratching their heads over the computers.

  25. @ Vera:

    I am pretty sure we have already conquered the internet (I work for Tesco xD).. you can order photos to be printed online, and pick them up in a store an hour later! And.. shop online, and much more? Meahaa

    @ Jem:

    Yeah, we tapped your internet connection.. we don’t like unhappy customers :)

  26. Oh, lucky you. Comfy chairs rule :)
    Our family has this really really uncomfortable wooden chair that kills my back and butt.