Photo Friday: Happiness Is…

When I received the photo friday ‘happiness is…’ email this morning, immediately I thought of my niece eating the fondant out of her Cadbury’s Creme Egg yesterday. It made her happy, and it made me grin like a complete prat (I do that a lot ’round my niece). Anyway, as her parents don’t agree with having her pictures on the ‘net (something I generally agree with) I went with:


..instead. Happiness is… going on holiday with the man you love and building your first ever sandcastle (I don’t remember doing any as a kid, anyway).


  1. Cool picture! Sand castles are fun, I used to enter this weekly ‘competition’ it a campsite we were staying at for 6 weeks every year building sandcastles. I got the same email and I’m looking through my photos deciding which one to pick. It’s hard as most things on there make me happy.

  2. Aww. So cute. *heart*

  3. Great photo! Sorry for this offtopic, Jem, have you received some email from me?

  4. Ahh, I love the ocean. You did a great job on that sand castle. I haven’t built one of those since I was a kid.

  5. That is a great looking sandcastle, does not look like it will survive those waves approaching it!

  6. I lurve making sandcastles. Nice one Jem!

  7. That’s a lovely photo – beautifully composed with the castle, the water and the fence. It looks like a nice place.

  8. Wow, that’s a pretty sophisticated sandcastle. Now that I think about it, I don’t think *I’ve* ever made one before…