Beware of the Tomato Ketchup!

Having had my root canal done on Monday to try and fix my dodgy tooth, I’ve been sticking to soft foods all week to give it chance to settle properly. Decidedly hungry I got the bag of frozen chips out the freezer, and happened upon some onion rings too. I stuck the chips in the oven and the onion rings on the grill. Cut to about 20 minutes later when I realise I haven’t been paying attention…

My onion rings were slightly overcooked and therefore not as soft as I was hoping. To remedy the situation I decided to put a little tomato ketchup on them. I reached into the cupboard to grab the ketchup, flipped the lid off and there was a sudden whooooosh as air filled the squeezy carton sending ketchup everywhere. All up my hands and arm, all over the kitchen surface, chopping board and floor. The kitchen now looks scene from a budget horror movie and I am trying desperately to find ways of ridding this horrible sticky-goo feeling I have on my fingers.

All of this mess because somebody didn’t ‘unsqueeze’ the ketchup after having used it on their chips on Tuesday…


  1. Did anyone walk in and decide to believe that you’ve gone crazy and discovered the amount of blood you have? …I think I would’ve done that.

  2. Everyone knows Ketchup is dangerous. //offtopic: When you search ‘jem’ on Google, your site shows up as though its title was “Poetry Corner”…Wasn’t this something like 50 years ago?

  3. Jem

    27 Jul at 3:28 pm

    @Julie: yes, it’s Google being wonky. It alternates between my actual site title and Poetry Corner all too frequently.

  4. Although I know it’s temping Jem…… Sadly there are laws against killing one’s future mother-in-law lol

  5. Haha, I thought you had done a film review when I saw the post title XD

  6. Aww, poor Jemmie :( I got some weird contraption fitted to my mouth to pull a tooth down, and have to eat soft things too. Fortunately, I haven’t touched a bottle of ketchup in about 2 years, but I hear the sauce inside either comes out at 20 miles per year or 20 miles per second. How appropriate :(

  7. Shannon, no, but I did have to laugh when she told me..

  8. lol! I can’t count how many times that has happened to me as well. Always have a hard time getting rid of the stickyness and the smell of tomatoes afterword.

  9. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling well after your r00t c*n*l.


  11. Gah, ketchup. Never comes out when you want it to without copious amounts of beating, battering, yelling, screaming, and struggling with the bottle for like four measly drops of it, but when you don’t want it, it explodes all over the place (as you well experienced). Screw suicide bombers, terrorists would have it easier with rogue ketchup bottles. :P Hope you can get cleaned up, ketchup stains are a bitch and a half to get out.

  12. I have never liked ketchup (as a dip and everything). Good luck with the r00t cxnal thing. =P

  13. Maybe you should just stick to salt, Jem, it’s less dangerous ;)

  14. Heh.. I don’t pity you. It must have looked so funny!

  15. There’s nothing like a nice good bloodbath :P (a fake one, of course)

  16. But Stephanie, you don’t need to salt chips!

  17. (Add-on to last message.) Oh, I mean salt onion rings!

  18. How do you ‘unsqueeze’ ketchup? :-x