Wearing the Pants Well

Tess has done a write-up in the same vein as my Handling the Critics post called Handling the Pants Awards. It’s cute, and I literally laughed out loud, but it also makes a few serious points. Of course, the people who should read it probably never will, but that’s irrelevant.

Incidentally, I’ve had a draft sat in my control panel for well over a month in which I discuss ending the Pants Award series. I can’t bring myself to publish it though, and every time I think I’m done, I see another site that I think would be perfect for them. I do know that whatever happens, I need to do something to increase the productivity of each award, because what’s the point if they don’t actually do any good? (And no, comic relief is not the purpose, it’s just an added bonus.)

All suggestions welcome, of course.


  1. I think the Pants Awards are great, however if you think that they are not attracting the right kind of attention or not getting the feedback they should, why not award the tatty pants as you normally do, but maybe if they sort the incorrect things out then re-award them with perhaps some pants of a higher class? Maybe some Superman Pants or something (If that’s not breaking copyright laws of course) That may hopefully incite the pants receivers into some action and once they have amended their inadequacies so that they then could earn the classy pants which hold some sort of status symbol?

  2. Your ‘Pants awards series’ in my opinion was very funny, which is why I think the series should continue.
    Even though the laughs were usually at someone else’s expense, I will continue to support the Pants awards, Unless you nominate my site – then I withdraw all support ;) haha.
    Maybe to balance out the embarrassment, you could have an award counter to the pants award, which would allow pants award nominees to redeem themselves with a new award, or for some great sites could get the high class award straight away.
    Maybe the Pants award articles could be a little less brutal, Lol. It would be very embarrassing to get one im sure, and am glad I have not had to suffer the shame, Lol.

    By The Way:
    Jem I would like to thank you for being such an inspiration =] Reading your pants award articles made me tidy up my coding and now all my sites have valid coding and valid CSS 2.1 and 3.0, all thanks to you =]

    *please excuse and mistakes, im very tired =/ *

  3. Well, if this is any consolation, reading your pants awards has helped me try and keep my code tidy and valid, even though there was never an award directed toward my website. So, even if your awards may not directly affect those websites they are directed at, they probably help keeps others on track like myself.

    Plus, they’re funny. And laughter is important.

  4. Carry on with them Jem, I think people do take on board some of the critism you make. Heck, I ‘m sure people who aren’t being given the pants, learn a few things *cough* me *cough*

    Although I think you could be just a little bit nicer when saying some things, off course your entitled to your own opinion but it would make your critism more encouraging I think.

    The one factor which I think would make me close down a ‘Pants’ section if I had one, would be the negative feedback you sometimes get =/

  5. Gosh, I just thought of another write-up that maybe you should make, have you heard of the ‘5 stages of denial’?
    I think it could apply to Pants Award when people think they don’t deserve the ‘award’. Or maybe you could make up your own five stages.
    For more info on what I’m blabbering on about check out:

  6. Maybe you could start reviewing again…


    Although, I do think a Pants Awards site would be pretty cool. You could combine it with tutorials of how to not be a pants site, though I guess that’s in Tutorialtastic’s jurisdiction. And, well, maybe if you got a whole slew of 1337 web designers as a team, maybe not all of them would procrastinate and actually get some things done :P

    But I don’t think I would ever see the day of you reviewing again. Hah.

  7. Jem

    25 Jul at 7:21 pm

    The one factor which I think would make me close down a ‘Pants’ section if I had one, would be the negative feedback you sometimes get =/

    Oh, that’s the best bit :D

  8. The one factor which I think would make me close down a ‘Pants’ section if I had one, would be the negative feedback you sometimes get =/
    Why? So you can laugh at ‘their’ comebacks :P

  9. Honestly, the pants awards are a great way to show the stupidity of some people. I mean, the fact you do that is unique, as other website owners are too peppy and they will just say every site is great and perfect. Either that or that they finally updated with new “color pallets” that take 2 seconds for a douche bag to make.


    Why? So you can laugh at ‘their’ comebacks :P

    Jabed, you are 100% right!

  10. I enjoy your pants awards. The sites you pick are usually extremely deserving of them, and they usually always end up starting some kind of petty drama. Please, don’t end the pants awards!

  11. I think the problem with the webmasters “not being helped” by Pants Awards is that they are public. We all laugh at them, and ridicule their meager attempts to appear knowledgeable… so I guess it sort of ends up as a matter of pride. Why should I listen to their suggestions? They’re so mean!

    It’s this weird concept that if webdesign is a hobby, you can write any amount of shitty tutorials because… well it’s not professional… Basically it’s somewhat the same as trying to make people understand that just because you blog as a hobby, it doesn’t make it alright to use dismal grammar and spelling.
    Some equate hobby with these weird notions of “well I don’t have to try so hard”. Of course, ironically enough they DO expect compliments for their shitty job.

  12. I see no reason for you to stop. ./shrug
    More people appreciate the humor and what not then those who don’t! You’re never rally that cruel, and any cutting remarks I’ve noticed seem justified. But i know i’m biased, I think you’re all that and a bag of chips. ^^

  13. Speaking of Pants awards, have you visited pixelfx.org lately? It’s run by WordPress now and has a new design.

  14. Jem

    26 Jul at 9:48 pm

    No, I wasn’t aware Annie, thanks for the heads up. Just a shame that the tutorials are just as shit as they were before, eh?

  15. Don’t stop the awards! I love them.

    But yeah, if you made follow up awards for sites that did receive a pants award but then changed for the better, that would be totally cool, IMO. :)

  16. I enjoy your pants awards. The sites you pick are usually extremely deserving of them, and they usually always end up starting some kind of petty drama. Please, don’t end the pants awards!

    C’mon! Nobody else will do the same thing and without you, the rest of the internet will be crap with petty reviews ” LYK && UR SIITE IS SUUPER GOOOD! ”


  17. It’s just that why would you criticize a website when yours sucks?

  18. I love the Pants Awards, please never stop this series! As is my wont, I shall echo what others have said: they’re funny and helpful.
    I’m on board with several others here — perhaps you could offer a different award to recipients who managed to ‘de-pants’ their sites. Trying to think of the opposite of ‘pants’ in the British sense, the first thing that popped into my head was ‘tops.’ But that doesn’t necessarily fit. Oh, well, I suspect you’ll be able to come up with a nifty award type should you choose to do so.
    Just keep the pants coming, please!

    Having stated that, I must note that if you just aren’t into in any longer and really feel like retiring the Pants Awards, I support your decision. I don’t have to like it, but I support it. Whatever makes you happy, fruitcake ;)

  19. The awards must continue! They make more people aware of what’s nice and what’s not. :P

    If however, it feels more like a burden than fun, I agree with your decision to stop the awards.

  20. I just left one comment with my name.
    But I certainly was wrong, your site doesn’t suck :] it’s pretty funny.

  21. Please don’t stop the music! OR the Pants Awards ;) I quite enjoy them.