Windows XP Oopsie

Sometimes — even though I quite like Windows XP — I too have to admit it has its little… moments:

windows xp wifi connected to ... nothing

You too could connect to ‘nothing’ with super duper Windows XP!


  1. Haha, that’s awesome.

    I like when Vista has the red X on top of the connection picture thingy (saying you’re not connected to anything at all) and yet you can still view web pages. :)

  2. It’s the ghost connect, it’s invisible. :o

  3. Windows Rocks, I can’t wait for Windows Mojave.

  4. I do like Windows XP as well. Except I can’t connect to this ‘nothing’ because I don’t have wireless network connection. :P Ah well.

  5. lmao, Classic.

  6. Mine does that too, every single time. I don’t think I’ve seen it actually have something in that spot :) I never thought about it before, but that is weird.

  7. Thanks XP! Once again, you went against all odds to fail at everything! I knew we can count on you!

  8. Run!!!! It is the connection from the ghost land. It will get you………………

  9. LOL! That’s great!

  10. Damn, maybe all this crap about ghosts getting in through out internet is actually possible. I’d run if I were you. Actually, I wouldn’t run. That’s too much effort…

  11. Haha, that’s awesome. Despite its quirks, I love Windows a lot more than Mac OS.

  12. I get that a lot on Vista Home (which I hate with a passion), it seems to think I’m connected to a network called “” whereas I know fine well that I’m actually connecting to ‘Gray-Home’.

    Half the time I get a little cross over the icon showing I’m not connected to a network at all but am browsing the web quite fine – I think wireless networking confuses my little Acer nearly as much as it confuses my mother who can’t quite work out that she doesn’t need to have the network cable plugged into her computer to browse wirelessly – she’s a classic technophobic.

  13. Haha mine has a habit of saying I’m not connected to my wireless network, yet when I go into the wireless settings to connect it says I have full signal and instead of having a “Connect” button, it has a “Disconnect” button. Haha try explaining that! And sometimes webpages work, and sometimes they don’t.

    Ah, Windows :P

  14. dun dun dun … it’s a ghost 0_o
    I hate it when my wireless effs up on XP :(
    I had to go run into the other room, crouch down, squeeze into a little corner ‘off & on’ the rooter so my wireless could reconnet just now, gah all that energy I wasted :( I still ove my XP though.

  15. The connection on my laptop does something like that almost all of the time. It says it is disconnected and the connection symbol in the taskbar is red, or has a little “x” through it, yet websites show up fine. Hah, go figure…

  16. Nothing is an excellent connection. :)

  17. Leave it to XP…

  18. Ghosts have hacked into our networks :0

    I have been using Macs for a long time and am more … comfortable (?) with them.

  19. haha, the ever-so-reliable windows XP.

  20. Now that just shows that nothing is impossible; even if it means connecting to nothing ;)

  21. XP’s gots tricks! :P Gotta love Windows.

  22. LOL! That is possibly the funniest blog I have read in a long while.

  23. I get this a lot too, whenever I try to connect to my wireless connection. Oh well, later days. :P

  24. My Vista always tells me I’m not connected while I’m busy browsing pages and chatting to people. :P

  25. My XP likes to do that XD; Or say that my LAN from desktop to laptop is connected when the cable isn’t even plugged in. The other fun thing is that while my desktop (XP) always has a “low” signal strength (I use my brother’s wireless, he and his wife live in the house next door), yet on my laptop (Mac OSX), it’s always in the high/excellent area… despite my desktop being far closer to the router than my laptop :P