A Furry Intruder

Oh, hello… :D


Welcome our newest addition; you may recognise her. Fudge is currently hiding from her, and Hex is doing his best “I’m a big scary boss cat” routine complete with growls and hisses. Isabel is absolutely fascinated by her, and the kitten likewise.

She’s not named yet, so feel free to make suggestions.


  1. Shame it’s a not a male, then it could be called Ben :(

  2. I loove orange kittiesss…

    I’m bad at picking names for other peoples’ animals, though.

    Maybe Rumple? Like from rumplestiltskin, weaving straw into gold, that sort of thing? Since she’s kind of gold coloured?

    I know, it’s a long shot.

  3. lol @ben

    You COULD name her Rose…

  4. Fudge is such a scaredy cat!

    Let Izzy name her…. hehe. babababababa

  5. Jem

    24 May at 4:20 pm

    Izz’s new favourite noise is a VERY high pitched squeal. Don’t think that’d go down too well with anyone within hearing range if we named it EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  6. Ling! Name her Ling!

    Orrrr…. ummm… yeah, that’s all I’ve got. :P

    You could name her Ben, my girl kitty’s name is Charley. ;)

  7. I’ve always wanted to name a Ginger cat "Flute" after the "It’s too scary to go alone, take this" meme. Which was inspired by the legend of zelda, and it’s a better name than "Hookshot".

  8. Awwww… so adorable. But REALLY! How ever will you manage with all these? Plus I thought that crazy cat ladies were supposed to be old spinsters. :P

  9. Aw, how cute!!!

    Name her Geri after the spice girl, hahaha

  10. So cute! I’d love to get a kitty :( (I always wanted to name a kitty Trin short for Trinity purely because my dog is named Neo). I was going to say Bella from your from site name, but then it made me think of Twilight and I threw up a little :3 Name it something short, sweet, and fierce. I know, I am totally not helpful at all.

  11. She looks so cute! Congrats for the family addition :D

  12. Shirley. She looks like a Shirley. Plus, she’d have Shirley Manson as a kick-ass, red-headed namesake! ;)

  13. I totally "awww’ed" when I saw the picture. She’s adorable. I’m a big fan of ginger kitties. Call her… Scully! Scully was a famous redhead. Maybe I should stop watching X-Files. :D

  14. Beautiful! Looks quite timid, but then looking timid and actually being timid are total opposites in pets. Thinking of ginger which is kind of orange, how about Clementine?

  15. I second Rumple, but as a shortened version of Rumpleteazer :D

  16. Caramel…to go with Fudge. :D

    *dies from cute*

  17. She’s adorable! :) I love ginger kitties. If you know any other languages you could pick a color in another language to name her. Or, name her after a character in a novel you enjoy.

  18. Name suggestion: Tybalt [prince(ss) of cats]

  19. Call it alan.

  20. I have no suggestions, it was hard enough for us to come up with Lucy! I would only be as useful as suggesting… Lucy 2.

  21. She is an absolute doll, Jem! Congratulations! :D

    I’m horrid at naming pets and usually end up going with something odd and Irish/Gaelic (my Betta’s name is Seamus). Eileanora (Eleanor, Ellenore, depending on the language) is a name I found recently that I fell in love with, that could be cute for a cat maybe? Although I do like Clementine!

  22. Looks like a Lily to meeee.

  23. Stephanie

    25 May at 12:11 am


  24. Name her Catmeat. Like Dogmeat, from the Fallout series? Har har. I knew you’d get that cat!

  25. Aww how adorable! You’re getting yourself a zoo there girly! Hmm.. names.. names… I’d go with Milo (from Milo & Otis)!

  26. Well then, Izzy has named her already…Squee!
    or possibly Poki. Don’t ask me why, or where those came from pmsl but they seemed to fit.
    Hope she settles in as quickly as her brother has (who is currently sat smack bang in the middle of his bowl stuffing his face)
    Karl, you are a star for putting up with us all teasing you and dropping atom bomb sized hints about kitties XD Big hug for you x

  27. How about Ninja? She sneaked her way into your home and hearts?

  28. I like Poki! Also, Pumpkin, Sunny, Boo, Rusty, Kiki and Muffin. Now I need a cat for each of those names. Also, I’m glad you adopted her in the end :D

  29. I feel compelled to say "Noreen".

  30. AWWWWW OMG. She looks just like our orange tabby did when we took him in, probably around the same age! And really, no, I don’t think three cats are significantly more difficult than two, so I’m really happy she’ll be joining you guys <3

  31. Someone behind the kitty hahahaha.

  32. So cute! Now I want one :(

  33. Aww another one? I’m jealous! Such a cutie pie. I don’t know why, but the name Tango just popped in my head when I read that you were looking for name suggestions…haha, so there you go! Silly, I know. ;)

  34. I smiled at the fact that there’s kitty ears behind the cage… tehe. I don’t know why but Crookshanks (from Hermoine Granger in Harry Potter) popped into my head.

    That or Squee since you said that it’s Izzy’s favorite word.

  35. Aww, my heart has just melted! (Admittedly, it does that every time I see a cat/kitten).

    In regards to names, my best friend’s kitty passed away yesterday (she was hit by a car) at barely 1 year old and she was called Purdy. She was very pretty but I also love how the name sounds!

    My sister’s cat (ahem, my cat, if it were possible!) is called Dita. Astoundingly beautiful with a black coat and green eyes. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/hooofooey/tags/dita/]

    If I ever have my own ginger cat, it’ll be called Pumpkin. :-D

  36. You’ve already got plenty of names to name your (adorable!) new kitten with, but I have two more to suggest: Ginger (obvs) and Scarlett. Or Gingerbread. :) She’s so cute.