Tag: tmi

Me and my Mooncup

Note: this is a girly-TMI entry. Please do not read if you are weak of heart or a squeamish boy type. Thanks. I’d originally heard of the mooncup a few years ago. I liked the sound of not having to pay out regularly for tampons, but given that my periods were rarely around anyway (‘thanks’ […]

Isabel’s Birth Story, Part Two

In my new room on the MLU (see part one) I was hooked up to a cylinder of gas and air (and, incidentally, went through 3 of these before I was finished) because they had no wall supply and ditched the TENS… the batteries had died anyway. I was given another internal — 7cm dilated, […]

Isabel’s Birth Story, Part One

If someone had said to me on Friday 13th November that I’d be going in to labour that evening, I would’ve probably scoffed at them. I’d crossed fingers for a Friday 13th birth because it’s a cool date, but with not even so much as a twinge by tea time I thought it unlikely, and […]

Low Iron, Absolutely Gutted

I’ve had the majority of my antenatal care through the local midwife-led unit. It’s a very relaxed atmosphere, a great team of midwives who’re all there for you and make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world currently having a baby. Clearly that’s not the case, but it’s nice to be made […]

Shit They Don’t Tell You About Pregnancy

I was going through some of my old posts the other day, looking for one in particular, and found my old ramble on the joys of PMS post-Depo Provera, and thought it appropriate to write a follow-up post on birth control. Yes, pregnancy: the ultimate birth control. Morning sickness does not stop at 12 weeks… […]

Run out of Pants

I need more pants. Any volunteers willing to send pics? Actually, that very request reaches new levels of creepiness…