Deja vu part two

In my previous post, in which I announced the separation from my husband and likely impending doom of trying to buy him out of the mortgage, I joked that I might have to do Project £20k again.

I probably shouldn’t have tempted fate, because as it turns out that this is the number that Gaz has floated in terms of equity buyout, and my rapid expansion and therefore short term lower net profit in the business means I can’t get a mortgage for this additional amount on top of the outstanding value of the house. So uhhh, Project £20k Part Two?

In all seriousness, I’m in the incredibly privileged position of being on good terms with Gaz and in no immediate hurry to find a solution to this issue (whereas buying my ex ex out was more important) but it’s going to be interesting to see how this limbo state while I Figure Shit Out impacts things.

Unless anyone happens to have a spare £20,000 lying around?

Project £20k: Completed!

Despite my best intentions, it was inevitable that raising £20,000 to buy my ex out of our joint mortgage was an optimistic endeavour at best. Right from the beginning I had to factor in a more realistic plan: remortgaging the house for the value of the outstanding mortgage with our joint provider plus the £20k… read full entry »

Project £20k: Holy F***!

I recently mentioned on twitter that I had successfully secured my domain with a .uk TLD, taking my total up to some 43 domains. Domains are cheap — little more than a bottle of wine — why worry about owning a healthy collection, right? Except that therein lies a problem that I’ve clearly been ignoring… read full entry »

Starting Project £20k

After having a good moan about my financial / housing situation post-split from Karl, which ended on a jokey note about a project £15k, I thought well… actually, why don’t I start a new project? And why aim for £15,000 — that would mean I’d still need £5k from the bank — why not aim… read full entry »