I was beginning to think I’d never be able to write this post! After entering powerlifting competitions in 2019 and 2020 that were cancelled because of covid, entering again in November ’22 and having to pull out because of a rotator cuff injury, and then missing entry into the West Mids competition in July this […]
Tag: powerlifting
Setting Goals for 2023
You’d be forgiven for thinking I completely fell off the fitness bandwagon in 2022, given the tumbleweeds blowing about this place. That couldn’t be further from the truth, given that I trained for and successfully completed London Marathon (not quite in the time I wanted, thanks to an injury, but that’s another post for another […]
Overdue Post-Lockdown Update
Oh man, is this post overdue or what?! I have a half written blog post about how I was planning to “ease myself back in” after the lockdown eased in the UK and gyms re-opened, but that didn’t happen: the post or the easing in! Once the gyms were re-opened I threw myself back into […]
My bulking experience
Content warnings: this entry contains a photo of me in my underwear. May not be suitable for work. Also contains talk of both weight loss and gain. Back in December I mentioned that I was bulking, or deliberately gaining weight to build muscle. This was supposed to coincide with some heavy work to get my […]
Where I’m At, Yo (or something)
Given the tumbleweeds blowing across the strongmum blog, you’d be forgiven for thinking that I’ve not worked out in any capacity since October, with that being a one-off too. This couldn’t be further from the truth, although illness — mine and my children’s — and work have unsuccessfully conspired together to take me out of […]
General Training Update
I currently have several posts in the works about specific aspects of my training — my macro counting, my latest runs, my weights progress — but I don’t quite have enough time or energy to give each their due, and so have fixed that by writing nothing. D’oh. To prevent an extended writers block I’ve […]
Always Another Goal
I am now about 2 weeks out from Edinburgh Marathon, with my last long run programmed for this weekend (20 friggin’ miles?!). I’m dreading this last long one, although I’m not sure why. As usual, I have full support of my running club who’re pacing me around different segments. Despite not having run the marathon […]