Oh man, is this post overdue or what?! I have a half written blog post about how I was planning to “ease myself back in” after the lockdown eased in the UK and gyms re-opened, but that didn’t happen: the post or the easing in! Once the gyms were re-opened I threw myself back into […]
Tag: personal best
My bulking experience
Content warnings: this entry contains a photo of me in my underwear. May not be suitable for work. Also contains talk of both weight loss and gain. Back in December I mentioned that I was bulking, or deliberately gaining weight to build muscle. This was supposed to coincide with some heavy work to get my […]
Low Expectations for Shrewsbury 10k
This weekend saw me diverting from my Edinburgh marathon training plan to run Shrewsbury 10km, a race I’ve run and enjoyed 3 times now. I should have been clocking up around 26km but I didn’t feel like dropping one long run would dramatically affect my prep at this stage. Having made the decision to forego […]
Giving it Everything at Lake Vrynwy Half Marathon
I signed up for the Lake Vrynwy Half Marathon, celebrating its 30th birthday this year, after a conversation with a fellow website geek & runner Dave McCourt at Shropgeek’s Rebellion #15 back in May. I’d heard a lot about the race previously, and Dave confirmed that it was mostly flat and a good course for a […]
Ellesmere 10k: The Re-Match
I first ran the Ellesmere 10km, which is rated as one of the fastest in Britain, back in 2015. I finished in 01:04:51 utterly deflated and vowed to never run it again. I’d gone up with running buddies who buggered off and left me right at the start of the race and I failed to […]
‘Piece of Cake’ Trail Half Marathon
A ‘How Hard Can It Be’ event, the Piece of Cake Half Marathon is a trail run in the picturesque Carding Mill Valley in Church Stretton, Shropshire. The ascents never seem to feel quite as vicious as the May Fourth half earlier in the year, but it’s a similar style of route with the bonus […]