So much for NaBloPoMo. Oliver’s poorly, and that threw me for six over the weekend (honest guv) because he was un-put-down-able. You know, as kids do when they’re full of snot and all gross and sticky. Normal service will resume tomorrow. Maybe.
As requested, an update on the small people (breaking it up to get more posts out of it, hahaha) The last time I blogged about Oliver, I was talking about how I’d felt ‘forced’ to wean him over night because his latch is at its absolute worst then. Within a few weeks, he’d stopped asking… read full entry »
I took the decision a few weeks ago to start refusing Oliver feeds overnight. The idea I had was that if he cried when I said no, I would feed him anyway, but that if he lay back down and went to sleep: win win. It goes against every part of me that supports baby-led… read full entry »
This weekend marks the first of a 6 week break for summer and since Izz went down to 3 day term-time only nursery this means that I’ll actually have to parent two children full time for more than a few days. Oh, and do my share of the housework and build my web empire at… read full entry »
In September last year I spoke about breastfeeding my tongue tied baby. I’ve been meaning to write a follow-up for a while and as it’s National Breastfeeding Awareness Week I figure maybe now’s as good a time as any. In my last post I complained that post-snip things got much worse in the weeks that… read full entry »
Oliver turned 1 last week, and Karl and I took a week off work each to celebrate. We didn’t do much, just spending time together, in the garden, that sort of thing. Had a birthday BBQ with family this weekend to celebrate and managed to spend half the day on the loo and the other… read full entry »
At some point in the past month Oliver has started ‘asking’ for boob by not-at-all-subtly smacking me in the chest. Of course each time I show him how to do “gentle hands” and I think that it’s finally sinking in as now he gently prods a few times and THEN smacks me (well that’s an… read full entry »
I’ve been struggling to think of something to buy for Oliver’s birthday present. What do you buy for the boy who already has it all (by way of a sister with a large quantity of toys, books etc). I’ve asked relatives who enquired to buy him clothes (in size age 2-3, ha!) but have been… read full entry »
This is how Oliver spends his days… standing or trying to walk. Oh dear.
I read a post on Frugal Queen‘s blog last month where she answered reader’s questions. One question asked how she kept everyone in the family happy when there were lots of mouths to feed. FQ’s response was typical “it’s not happened to me so it must not be real” ignorant nonsense: If you have fussy… read full entry »