Tag: dry for july

Probably stressed

Bit of a blogging hiatus here recently, although not intentionally. I’ve been struggling with my mood a lot recently, which I had mostly attributed to PMS but had also considered the possibility of a reaction to the reintroduction of alcohol after going dry for July. It all came to a head on Saturday night when […]

Another update in few words

Dry for July ends in a few days and I CAN’T WAIT. I’m still “dry” / sober, but looking forward to having a drink with friends on Friday. I’ve made a few quid since embracing hypocrisy and appreciate those of you who sent support my way — thanks. My recently re-added geek t-shirts page has […]

Dry for July

I’ve decided: I’m giving up alcohol for July. I’m going dry for July. I’d like to claim the nifty title of this challenge as my own genius creativity, but the reality is I nicked it off Katy. I wasn’t even going to join her in her goal at first (in fact I’m not even sure […]