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A dirty secret

About this time last year I blogged about the chaos that was life at the time (nothing has changed, for the record) and one of the things I mentioned in passing was that I had nearly broke my marriage after fundamentally changing the very foundations of our commitment For the astute amongst you, you may […]

40TBIF: I completed number 5!

After posting in April about me undertaking a new “40 things before I’m forty” challenge, I’ve finally got started on the list, ticking off number 5 – Compete in a powerlifting competition – at the weekend. After multiple setbacks over the past 4-5 years I was finally able to take part in a ‘Quiet Focus’ […]

North Midlands Quiet Focus Powerlifting Comp – I finally did it!

I was beginning to think I’d never be able to write this post! After entering powerlifting competitions in 2019 and 2020 that were cancelled because of covid, entering again in November ’22 and having to pull out because of a rotator cuff injury, and then missing entry into the West Mids competition in July this […]

Keeping it in the family

My brother should have been 42 today, and I’m finding his birthday and the upcoming anniversary of his death to be particularly hard this year. Since my autism diagnosis, and the advice to seek an ADHD assessment, I’ve been somewhat obsessively looking at family on both sides to see where “it” came from. I have […]

Finding my (blogging) roots

I’ve been feeling restless about my blog for a good long while. Wanting to update, not quite wanting to commit the words I want to say to the vastness that is the internet. However, a resurgence in indie websites and personal blogging has given me a bit of motivation, so I’m hoping this is the […]

An Imposter and the Mountains

I’m currently sat in business class on a flight heading to Athens where I’ll be attending WordCamp Europe in a couple of days. We’re directly above the Swiss Alps and while I eat my complimentary breakfast and sip my fancy coffee I’m struck by the raw beauty of the landscape below; seemingly perfect undisturbed snow […]

Because I’m only getting older

Long term readers might recall that in the years before my 30th birthday, I set myself a list of “30 things to do before I’m thirty“; challenges and personal milestones I wanted to hit before I reached 30 years old. Within months of turning 30, I started writing a similar set of goals and monster […]

A change is as good as a rest

I have successfully rendered myself a liar this week. After calling myself “basically unemployable” back in 2018, I started a new part-time position with Source Design this week. Super stressed Jem who couldn’t possibly contemplate a 9-5 way back in 2018 is now super chilled out handling a senior dev position for one firm, managing […]

Back on the Sobriety Train

One of my fitness goals for 2023 basically entails me getting my shit together and nailing a consistent gym routine, and as such I’ve given up alcohol for the year (again). My journey to (and from) sobriety is a funny one, with a balance more or less found over the last couple of years, but […]

Setting Goals for 2023

You’d be forgiven for thinking I completely fell off the fitness bandwagon in 2022, given the tumbleweeds blowing about this place. That couldn’t be further from the truth, given that I trained for and successfully completed London Marathon (not quite in the time I wanted, thanks to an injury, but that’s another post for another […]