Category: Recipe

I cook the vast majority of my meals from scratch, and have a reputation as being an excellent cook (I do tend to get my friends drunk first, though). Sometimes I create something so spectacular that I document it here…

Recipe: Gluten Free Lemon Mousse Cheesecake

A recent(ish) meeting with some of my BFFs necessitated the creation of a cake, and there’s no cake like a cheesecake, but I could not for the life of me find a cheesecake recipe I liked the look of. I wanted a baked cheesecake for flavour, but something super tangy to offset a sweet lemon […]

Recipe: Eton Mess Cake

Yesterday was Gaz‘s birthday and in true birthday tradition (AKA any excuse for cake) I decided to bake, with the “help” of the kids. Normally for this sort of occasion I would find a recipe weeks in advance and fail attempt to make something spectacular. However, with work and kids to contend with, time was […]

Easy Peasy Frugal Fish Pie

This has been sat in drafts for so long, I figured I’d get it fixed up and posted otherwise it’ll never see the light of day! This is my easy “pea”sy fish pie recipe (it’s a pun, I’ll get to that shortly ;)) For the record, I make my recipes up as I go along […]

WFLW: Tuna Pasta Salad

A cheap and cheerful classic that’s really quick to make. Today’s leftovers from last night contain pre-cooked cold pasta, tinned tuna, tinned sweetcorn (Green Giant Niblets are awesome straight from the tin), and some chopped steamed asparagus and courgette that needed using up. Eaten with a yoghurt and an apple, I’m satisfying various daily requirements […]

WFLW: Cheapo Beef Chilli

A few years ago I blogged asking you guys for lunch ideas and you duly supplied. I’ve decided to return the favour by doing a new blog series: “what’s for lunch Wednesdays”. Each Wednesday (or, when I remember) I’ll tell you what I’ve got for lunch. If you want to do the same thing, link […]

Making Toad in the Hole

Melly was talking earlier this week about Toad in the Hole, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all week. I love the stuff. Normally, I buy the ready-made zap in oven stuff by Aunt Bessie’s, but I’ve gone off it in recent years (I can only assume they tweaked the recipe or something.) So […]

Cheesy Scones

After the piss-pouring rain put a damper on my pottering about in the garden, I decided to do a spot of baking. I don’t have much in the way of ingredients so I made scones, which are about the simplest thing you can bake. I found the original recipe in the Vegetarian Student Cookbook — […]