Lockdown Goals: Week 1 check in

After realising recently that my apathy and laziness was causing weight gain and a relapse of my more severe PMDD symptoms, I set myself some goals this time last week. Today sees my first check in and a review of progress so far.

Minimum 10,000 steps a day

This one has been interesting. In normal circumstances I’d not have any problem meeting this goal, easily clocking up between 6000-8000 steps in school run alone, but it turns out that when you’re supposed to be limiting how often you leave the house because of a global pandemic it’s not quite as simple! There have been a couple of evenings where I’ve paced back and forward the length of my house to make up the final thousand steps.

image showing at least 10000 steps per day in the past week

Although I pointed out in the last entry that 10,000 is a bit of an arbitrary number, and physically being a few steps shy isn’t going to affect me, I know that from a psychological point of view that if I miss my goal one day I’ll be more likely to miss it the next so consistency is important.

Three bodyweight sessions a week

I have easily met this goal: 4 sessons of PE with Joe, a session of Yoga with Adriene, DISCOaerobics with Carly, and several days of ROMWODing (more on ROMWOD another day). Hoping to keep up this momentum as I head into week 2.

I’ve also managed to fit in my first socially-distanced pair run with a local friend, doing a very hot 5km. I’m a much better runner when I’m not on my own, and having a conversation with someone who wasn’t my husband or my children was surprisingly therapeutic. That said, I don’t see how this kind of socially distanced running is feasible for many; it’s only because we have a wide local lane with little to no traffic that we were able to safely stay apart from each other and others.

Three weighted workouts a week

This is my big fail. I’ve not done a single weighted workout yet. I seem to be really struggling with picking up the dumbbells, and I think part of it is because I know in my heart it’s not the same as a heavy barbell and it feels so disappointing and a crappy reminder that I can’t go to the gym and I can’t do workout how I’d like. I know this is a bit of a stroppy / petulant child excuse, but I’m not too worried if I can maintain the increased bodyweight work. My ‘gains’ are probably all in the bloody toilet, mind you.

It’s only been a week, so I’m reticent to say “it’s working”, but I have been fairly stable in the past week. My weight is down to 73.4kg. I did have a HANGRY STROP a couple of days ago because I was late to eat lunch (work + kids), but I am not being overly restrictive nor am I currently counting macros, so I think the balance must be more or less right at the moment. I will probably increase carbs further if I continue to run regularly (good luck with that, Jem).

Lead photo by Larissa Gies

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