The eeeeeend!

It’s here! September 30th! The last day of Septemblog! I can now proudly say that for the first time in around 15 years of blogging I have successfully completed a blog-a-day challenge.

I completely failed my supplementary challenge to leave 5 comments / follow someone new every day, and it’s probably best you don’t look at my ‘official’ septemblog page, but if I’d made that compulsory I’d have definitely failed weeks ago.

That said, if you’re trying to increase your comments, hits or overall engagement, setting yourself the X comments on blogs per day goal is a must. It shot my hits up, which just goes to show that when bloggers say “commenting is dead”, what they actually mean is “I can’t be arsed to comment any more”.

Engagement has also gone up on my blog Facebook page, with more likes and more posts reaching a greater number of people. I’m not sure if that’s Facebook being clever with some sort of frequency == relevancy algorithm, or whether it’s just the inevitable more posts == more likely to post something someone will want to read.

I did write another blog post today, one that is less ‘meta’ and less cheaty, but I’m keeping that to myself for the time being as I’m not sure my idea will take off yet. You’ll just have to wait and see for that one. In the mean time, yay septemblog!

4 comments so far

  1. Manda | musicalpoem said:
    On 01 Oct at 1:42 am

    Thanks for the Septemblog challenge, Jem! I’m glad I took part in it (even though it was freakin’ hard at times, heh).

  2. Georgie said:
    On 01 Oct at 1:35 pm

    Thanks for encouraging us all to blog every day, Jem! I enjoyed the challenge, and I’m going to write a little reflective post about it. It’s funny how I pulled some post ideas out of my butt to try and keep up, and it was nice getting to read some new blogs too from the other participants. :D

  3. Carly said:
    On 01 Oct at 2:13 pm

    Congrats Jem!