Living room redecoration: take 2

In a recent post I mentioned the fact that I was finally going to finish decorating my living room. Karl and I started this back in 2012, but a combination of small children, full time work and laziness got in the way so it was never finished. However, now the house is “mine” I have this huge urge to actually put *my* spin on every room – without limits and arguments and settling for something someone else wants.

In case you’ve forgotten, or you weren’t around back then, this is what it looked like originally:

living room

And this is what it looked like earlier this evening (it’s not always messy):


That’s a crap picture, but you can see here where it’s unfinished; top right corner of the room and above the curtain rail are still covered in old wallpaper, paint isn’t right up to the ceiling. This isn’t even the worst side of the room!

My plans are roughly as follows:

  • A red feature wall! I’ve always wanted a red feature wall
  • New roller blind for the front window, because my neighbours have had enough of me walking around starkers
  • Better lighting, because I hate that I have no ‘atmospheric’ lighting in this room
  • A big mirror on the longest wall, possibly moving the clock elsewhere
  • TV mounted on the wall, big picture moved
  • Maybe a nice rug (until I can afford to carpet throughout) – something like this or or this one; both ‘go’ with my cushions

Now I just need the money. And time. Mostly money.


  1. I am excited for the new look because, as you know, this room is one of my top fave places to spend time.

  2. I love the mess. Its nice when bloggers acknowledge their homes get messy haha

    furniture and stuff quickly adds up doesnt it? Theres always one or two thing youd think would look great but are too ££. the room looks good though. Interesting how you’ve divided it up. The red feature wall sounds amazing. Also just my opinion but your floors are gorgeous why would you carpet over them??

  3. Awesome! :D

  4. the paper chains are staying though, right?

  5. Stephanie

    28 Feb at 5:45 pm

    Carpet?! On that beautiful wood floor?!

    • Jem

      28 Feb at 7:48 pm

      It’s not wood, it’s cheap vinyl covered in scratches, rips and paint. Looks awesome in the photos though, hah ;)