Category: Interwebs

Anything and everything vaguely internet related. Blogging, industry, social media: if you can find it online, I’ve talked about it in here.

Update on Jamie Timbre

Following on from my post on Jamie Timbre’s fraudulent attempts to sell tickets to seminars that don’t exist I have a few updates. I’ve officially lost count of how many fake profiles are associated with Timbre’s fan page. Thankfully, Facebook is fantastic at removing them as soon as they’re reported (hence lots of broken links […]

Jamie Timbre is a Grade A Fraud

In July 2007 I outed Jamie Timbre for conning hosting customers out of hundreds of dollars by claiming they owed charges on DDOS attempts that had never happened, e-mail spam that was not the customer’s problem, etc. Shortly after, Timbre shut down his hosting ‘business’. Fast forward to 2012 and I receive an e-mail from […]

Tots100, Nofollow and Hypocrisy

This afternoon, I ended up on ‘Bloggers didn’t Come Down in the Last Shower‘, a post by blogger Sally deriding SEOs for their approach to bloggers, PR and paid links. Sally has a problem with PR/SEO types who disguise their intentions or outright lie about the potential damage to blogger’s search engine rankings caused by […]

Why are Mummy Blogs so Ugly?

I know, it’s true, I probably announced at one stage that I’d never read ‘proper’ mummy blogs (or blogs written by mums, whichever way you look at it). I also said I’d never talk about poo, and look how that turned out. Here is my confession: I, queen of the hypocrites, am a champion “mom […]

Jemjabella is 10!

And what a weird thought to contemplate, blogging ‘here’ for 10 years. It’s almost bittersweet, because of late I’ve been hiding away from the bloggy world. A combination of continuous workload + raising a toddler has taken its toll on my time and inspiration, but actually, the real cause of my ‘disappearance’ has been the […]

Secret Hobby

I secretly read the mumsnet bloggers forum on a weekly basis. It’s not ’cause I want to join (meh, everyone knows the only people these networks really benefit are the people running them) but because watching the stream of “how do I?” / “I’ve just discovered X [that has been around for years]” / “I […]

On “Mommy Wars”

So, I’m reading this post where one mum rants about the reaction another mum got for admitting she’s letting her kid “CIO” (cry it out). I’ve talked about CIO and sleep training before, you know I don’t like it, so I won’t go over old ground. However, as Isabel gets older I am becoming more […]


I got called a mommy blogger yesterday. Ouch. It was a harmless remark, included in an otherwise genuine question, not intended to offend. And yet nearly 24 hours later I’m still thinking about it. I guess what bothers me the most, aside from my distaste for the “PPP” / sponsored posts crap that most ‘mommy […]

Useful (cool) icon finding site

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to find some obscure UK debit card icon, or a certain size of twitter icon (whatever) for work… I have an Icons folder for saving sets that I probably wouldn’t be able to find easily again: (Like my desktop wallpaper? It’s from vladstudio) And yet all […]

Weirdass Search Term

Someone just (about an hour ago) found my site by googling: how to deal with random people on the streets and everywhere that bully; for example like sticking their tongues out at you and fidgeting WTF?