Category: Geek

You Know You’re a Geek When…

…you create a PHP script to parse your telephone bills because you can’t be bothered to install suitable software to deal with .csv files. (If anyone wants that code btw, let me know and I’ll hook you up. It’s designed to parse BT phone bills in .csv format with colour coding depending on the incoming […]

Small Site Updates

After discussing RollerCoaster Tycoon earlier this month I went ahead and added a page for both 1 and 2, both with little tidbits on, as well as links to the demos for those of you who’ve never played before. I even bought a new copy of RCT2, which I’d forgotten to mention. It comes with […]

RollerCoaster Tycoon 1

I had forgotten how ace RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 is. There is only one thing better than creating a new rollercoaster that is an immediate success in terms of excitement — creating a new rollercoaster that brings in large quantities of cash and has that key ‘passing point’ where two trains look like they’re going to […]

BellaBook3.3 RSS 2.0 Feed

Six — via the fanlistings message board — was talking about her script wishlist for 2007 and mentioned a guestbook with RSS 2.0 capabilities. Not one to miss the opportunity to gain a potential user, I offered to knock something up for BellaBook. The results, which work with version 3.3 are as follows (save it […]

Animal Crossing: Wild World

I’ve got into AC:WW again, after rebuilding my town. If you’ve got the game and have wi-fi capabilities, send me an e-mail with your friend code, name and town name to :)

Internet Orgy

What do you get when you put three geeks and two Pratchetteers (new word?) into one room? Lots of discussion on the pronunciation of Linux and router, rants of nested tables, World of Warcraft (hiss boo), chavs in Telford, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, web 2.0, Nanny Ogg’s cookbook and sexual innuendo (although the latter two are much […]

NaNoWriMo 2006

Oh yes, it’s almost that time of year again! No, I don’t mean Christmas (although: woohoo, almost Christmas), but National Novel Writing Month. Yet again my favourite (and not so favourite) blogs will be littered with excerpts — or occasionally (and unfortunately), chapters — from these so-called “writer’s” NaNoWriMo stories. Generally regurgitated from their favourite […]

new geek t-shirts, new fanlisting

I decided to randomly treat myself for no particular reason on Friday and bought two new gamer t-shirts, which I have (badly) photographed and added to my collection. I’ve also been wasting time on fanlistings.. whee! If like me, you’re a Stumbler, you might want to join the StumbleUpon fanlisting: Thumbs Up! (Because some of […]

Learning a Language

I really hate this feeling of wanting to learn a new language (I’m not talking French or German here, btw) and not knowing where to start. I find that the only way I can get my head around learning something is if I need to learn it. When I started with PHP I needed to […]

Nerdy T-Shirts

Oh me, oh my! Most of you know I like my geeky t-shirts.. well, I found an awesome site at work (on a break *cough*) today: Nerdy Shirts! My favourite one so far is most definitely Quick Fix: you wouldn’t believe how many times that worked for my old game cartridges as a kid. Then […]