Month: June 2015


Not dead Too hot Boxes everywhere Kids snotty Massive workload <3

In defence of spur of the moment decisions

I think often as a grown up, being able to spend time thinking about and rationalising decisions before acting them out is considered a desirable trait. Sleep on it, we’re told. Write pro/con lists and weigh up consequences. I say bollocks to that. Last year I came out of a counselling session with the realisation […]

Race Madness

Juneathon might not be going brilliantly well, what with one reason and another, but after a second 10k recently in Brackley with Rachael and Sarah I have been well and truly bitten by the race bug (despite ending that one in tears) and gone on a race entry spree. I’ve got a 5k Race for […]

Juneathon Day 7 and the “home gym”

I wrote this last week but have been a tad busy – oops! Juneathon day 7 saw me take another slightly unorthodox activity day. No, not more vacuuming (although there was plenty of that), but the second Sunday spent totally gutting my home ‘utility’ (that is, brick lean-to outside the back door). The utility is […]

Laptop Limbo (and some news)

As I count down the days til I’m back at my desk at home, I feel like I’m in sort of “work limbo” right now. I’m actively seeking and quoting for freelance opportunities — some of which are looking more positive than others — but I still have a huge amount of work on at […]

Juneathon Days 4-6

I have to admit the past few days effort at Juneathon have been pretty pathetic, hence me not rushing to blog about them. My excuse is that after my epic (for me) day 2 workout and then the intervals on day 3 I was knackered. Day 4 I wussed out and took the kids on […]

Moving on from emotional abuse (TW)

Trigger warning: emotional abuse, link to/veiled references to sexual abuse One of the hardest parts about moving on from an emotionally abusive relationship has been recognising the impact that it has had on aspects of my personality and my own behaviour. I am regularly taken by surprise by my reactions to seemingly inconsequential events because […]

Juneathon Day #3

After yesterday’s badass workout I was prepared to do a nice slow and steady 5k run tonight so as not to hit my leg muscles too hard, but then a friend reminded me that some local runners were meeting at the nearby park for some speed/intervals work so I went along to that instead. BIG […]

Juneathon Day #2

Today’s an easy Juneathon day for me because Tuesday is always badass workout day. For some reason it’s the one workout I rarely skip – probably because it’s early in the week, I’ve usually had a shit day (there’s something about Tuesdays!) and I need that release to get me into Wednesday. So, here’s my […]

I’m taking part in Juneathon

Last week I saw people talking about Juneathon and as a lover of weird and wonderful challenges I figured it’d be something new to take part in and entered as a participant. The general gist is as follows: Run or do some form of exercise every day. Blog or tweet (#juneathon) or post on the […]