Month: February 2012


…that moment at work when you sneeze twice in quick succession, and have to stand real still while you mentally assess whether or not you’ve wet yourself.

Toddler Tantrums & the Terrible Twos

Karl has been telling people with great glee how the supposed ‘terrible twos’ had obviously skipped over us. Unfortunately, I think the great god of toddler tantrums has been listening and has decided to smite us with a great big shitty stick because our cute little well behaved (albeit mischevious) Isabel has suddenly turned into […]

The Good Life pt2

After our visitors left yesterday (Amelie, Ben & Thingy) we spent some time pottering around nearby gardening/DIY shops and then started back on the garden. This is exciting news because we’ve a) bought a greenhouse now – one of those slightly wobbly click together w/plastic cover things and b) we’ve decided what we’re going to […]


One of the hardest parts of reading ‘mommy blogs’ is resisting the urge to leave comments about how ugly other people’s babies are.

Every morning

Isabel: More sugar puffs please Me: Are you sure you want more sugar puffs? Isabel: yeh Me: Was that a yes? Isabel: YESSSS Me: OK, of course you can have more {gives the cereal} Isabel: no like it, want weetabix

A Little Break is going on a little hiatus while I decide what I am doing with myself/what I want to be when I grow up. I will still be available via twitter/facepoop/email as usual. Development on all of my scripts is officially stopped; whether or not I pick them back up again is yet to be […]

The Good Life

Yes, my weekend was like a scene from The Good Life. Plotting, digging, planting, re-potting, etc. We have Grand Plans to turn the garden (right; not to scale) into something both beautiful and practical over the coming year. Fruit, veg, and flowers for the bees and butterflies. Our back garden is north-facing, which is fairly […]