Day 5 on the Jemjabella Blog

So, okay, I already exceeded my own expectations and this is the 5th day in a row that I’ve managed to post for NaBloPoMo. One might assume that I would take this as a lesson against cynicism but that would be far too sensible. Instead, I’ll just create another lame ‘bet’ (Nov 9th) in an attempt to undermine my own determination. Why do I do this to myself? It’s not like second-guessing my blogging habits is likely to make this any easier.

Err, psycho-babble evaluation of my own negativity aside, I am pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been so far to keep this up. It’s no secret that my blogging has been somewhat lax of late (both in terms of quality and quantity) so I was expecting a mental struggle with torment and anguish (I made that up to sound emo) just to get this far. That said, on both the years that I took part in NaNoWriMo it was great for the first week and then disaster struck: the writing wall… dun-dun-DUUN!

Of course, I could simply write about NaBloPoMo every day… or does that count as cheating?


  1. How can you cheat if you’re not officially signed up? :P

  2. That would definitely count as cheating. There’s so much you could blog about! Blog about… why you love the internet, what inspired you to learn php, the trickiest obstacle you had to cross when building your own cms, why you have over 60 unanswered not-so-faqs, where you want to travel when you’re old, funny things hex has done recently… the list goes on!

  3. Jem

    05 Nov at 7:30 pm

    66 unanswered questions.. shit :S

  4. Hmm… I’ll go and read that again later, maybe after a cup of tea. I got lost somewhere ROFL! Did anyone else not quite understand the meaning of that meaningful post?

  5. I find a good way to ‘cheat’ in blogging daily, is to pick out a stupid thing that a politician has done that day (take your pick, there’s plenty!) and laugh at them. *nods* It’ll be easy Jem, you can do it!

  6. Sorry for being rude to you Jem/ BTW, Kate steals? What? Umm……OK. ~Casey;

  7. I liked that little phrase of emoness. And there’s no such thing as cheating with a blog entry! All’s fair in love, war, and blogging ;D

  8. Way to go, Jem. Whoot! *round of applause* You can do it. I don’t think it would be cheating, but I think your blog readers would wonder what is wrong with you.

  9. ” Sorry for being rude to you Jem/ BTW, Kate steals? What? Umm……OK. ~Casey ” Technically she does (did?). You should read before soundling like a… nevermind. I don’t think talking about NaBloPoMo on every single post is cheating but I guess you should throw in some random stuff like how you enjoyed your breakfast x]

  10. Thanks to you I decided to go ahead and sign up, too. My unofficial goal for my new blog is to post every day, but maybe joining NaBloPoMo will help keep me on track. Here’s hoping!

  11. I would highly encourage your last notion, Jem. Whoever said ‘journal entries’ couldn’t be formed into a novel ought to be poked. Repeatedly. With an unopened umbrella. Congratulations on reaching Day 5! I’m quite sure Day 9 will be just as … on-the-horizon … damn, I’m SURE there’s a word for what I meant just then … FEASIBLE! Yes, that’s it. Keep on truckin’, girl.

  12. :-/ emo!!! :)

  13. Do you mind rating one of my scripts? If you do want to there link is here.

  14. I must be the only blogger alive who does not understand the point of NaBloPoMo.