Best Before End Jun ’96

You know it’s time to have a clean out when you find:

hot chocolate sachet dated june 96 chocolate sachets dated “BEST BEFORE END JUN 96” behind a box of teabags (probably equally as old) in the back of a cupboard.


  1. Make a younger sibling drink it just to see what’ll happen.

  2. You should see my house. There’s one certain shelf in our cupboard with a massive load of used by stuff. Eventually, we’ll get it cleaned out.

  3. :-O! Oh noes!

  4. Lmfao, I just had one of those Nestle instant hot chocolate bags a few minutes ago :P

  5. Ehh, ten year old chocolate? O__o

  6. It’s probably all caked up inside the sachet, if not worse! The teabags should still be all right though.

  7. Oh lordylord. That is rather amusing.

  8. At first I thought it was a typo and that you meant to write ’06 instead of ’96… then, being the slow person that I am, it dawned on me :P

  9. Have you opened it and looked inside, yet?

  10. I bet we have some that old in our cupboard, too. Knowing my family it’d still get used if found. xD I really like this white/green/blue theme. Very nice and pleasant colors. :)

  11. I’m pretty sure if you go through my parents’ stash they still have tea and hot coco from when we lived in the Yukon in the 80s… Bad tea is _nasty_ it tastes all moldy and icky.

  12. Eek – when I moved in with my husband he had stuff that was ages too old :) – I think I am done cleaning it out now.

  13. What are you talking about, Jem? Thasss… ssstill good… *dies of the plague* I’m pretty sure we have something breeding in OUR cupboard.

  14. Oooh! You should open it and use it to see what happens. :D

  15. I wonder what they taste like.

  16. When I first saw the image, I was sure it was something else. A condom, more specifically. Would I find something on which is written this, I would probably drop it on the floor and leave it there for someone to pick up. I just *can’t* eat / touch things that are outdated.

  17. It should still be safe to use after all it is a best before date not a “use by” date if it has remained sealed all that time.

  18. Hmm, keep it for another ten years. It should be worth something by then. Then you can sell it! :D

  19. You’ve really thrown down the gauntlet now! I’m off to search the depths of *that* cupboard above the fridge that nobody ever uses…

  20. *giggles* eh.. you’re not the only one. I’m lucky with mom though :P

  21. I don’t think I want to know what old stuff is hiding in my cupboards, the only thing I regularly clean out is my fridge the rest is left the way it is until I start smelling something lol.

  22. Nice. Let us know what other interesting things you find when you get around to the cleanout, eh? ;)

  23. Wow that’s some old chocolate. There’s a 3 year outdated bottle of syrup around here somewhere that my mother-in-law refuses to throw away. No one would dare use it. I don’t know why she keeps it. Yuck.

  24. You’d do well to get going then. We’ve all got something like that. Here, it usually Halloween candy from ten years ago.

  25. Bet i can beat that Jem ;) Shame you cant throw out all your ‘unwanted household objects’ lol

  26. Haha that’s great! If I didn’t get in my cleaning moods all of my food would be that old. Just think of the evil things you could do to someone with that!

  27. wow! That’s great.. I mean.. weird. I bet I have a lot of stuff like this at home. I mean… this must be a new universe by now xo

  28. I’m like that, although I’m a student, so I can get away with it :)

  29. Damn… And I thought my best before end October 2004 calamine lotion was bad. I, naturally, only realised this after I had applied it to an insect bite.

  30. Yummy! I had some salsa dip in my fridge which I swear came with the house. It was best before August 2000, and I opened it to find it was completly solid and smelt worryingly like mould. I never throught that salsa dip could go mouldy, yet the proof was righ there under my nose so to speak.

  31. I tend to throw things out even if they are still new. I’ve had many arguments with my mother about the ketchup in the house because It’s a couple months old and I don’t want to use it anymore. lol This summer, my mother made me clean out the fridge, so I threw EVERYTHING out, and the only thing left was a few bottles of water because that’s all I drink. Needless to say, my mother wasn’t impressed, but I think secretly, she thought it was funny.

  32. Ooh, don’t throw it away. Maybe it’s fermented ;) /kidding

  33. Oh, damn! A long time ago someone gave us old pudding. It was like 5 years old, and they gave it to us anyway. Just recently, my uncle gave us oodles of meat that had a sell by date of April. :/

  34. Hahahaha thats so funny! I cant even imagine whats in the back of the cupboards at my place =S ewww! Anyways, have a great day

  35. Hahaha. I hate throwing stuff away, especially food. I can’t stand to waste things yet I’m sure I’ve done it a million times in my life, being such a picky eater. Although the last year I’ve grown into wanting to try new and more exotic foods so that hasn’t really been a problem. But anyway… good luck cleaning!

  36. That reminded me of the first time my family and I bought our house off from our granduncle who was selling it lol. As we were cleaning up before we move our stuff in the house, we even found an unopened box of Bisquick (baking mix) and 2 unopened boxes of instant hot chocolate that dated back on the year I was born ROFL (1976 x.x). Man, I should have taken photos of them, but this was back in 1996, which is coincidentally, the date indicated on your hot chocolate packet… haha!

  37. I don’t even want to know what’s lurking in my cabinates.

  38. lmfao gad….